Repair Damage Quickly With Dental Bonding
Your teeth are a naturally strong part of your body that aid you in chewing, smiling, and speaking. But some unfortunate events such as accidents, injury, tooth decay, and bruxism can damage your teeth’s enamel, hence needing restoration. Teeth bonding is a sought-after treatment for chipped or misshapen teeth, which not only restores them but also prevents them from further damage.
What is Teeth Bonding?
Also known as dental bonding, teeth bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that restores cracked, chipped, or otherwise broken teeth. This procedure also helps with discolored teeth, gapped teeth, and lengthening a tooth’s crown that has been shorter than the other ones. A bond or composite resin is used to restore the broken teeth and make them appear just like the adjoining ones. The composite color used in the preparation of the bond matches the exact color of your teeth.
What is the Procedure?
Teeth bonding is an in-and-out procedure that doesn’t require anesthesia in many cases unless our dentist suggests you need to change the shape of your teeth. They may also suggest anesthesia to carry out the procedure comfortably if the chipped teeth are located near your nerve.
The procedure starts with roughening the surface of your teeth, followed by applying a conditioning liquid, which helps the bonding material stick to them. We will select a composite resin matching the color of your teeth to give it a natural appearance. The composite resin is prepared and applied, after which our dentist molds and smoothens it to the desired shape.
Using a special blue light or laser, we will harden the material. Once the material hardens, we will trim, shape, and polish it to match the appearance and sheen of the remaining teeth. The entire procedure takes place in 30 to 60 minutes per tooth.
How Do You Care for the Bonded Teeth?
Once our dentist performs the procedure and bonds your teeth, they will recommend you the proper care routine, and you must follow it strictly to keep the bonded teeth in good shape. We suggest you avoid habits such as chewing pens or ice cubes. Do not eat candies and hard foods in excess as they could damage your restoration that isn’t as tough as your natural teeth.
You can further maintain a routine of brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day to keep your overall oral hygiene. Make frequent visits to our clinic to ensure that everything with your dental health is well.
Please reach out to Rota Advanced Dental Care in Colorado Springs, CO, 80923, to have a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Rota. Please call Dentist in Colorado Springs, CO at (719) 598-1224 or schedule an online consultation, and we’ll guide you further.